Senior advisor for policy development
Sayid Omar holds a Master’s Degree in Human Science. He works as a senior advisor for policy development and active diplomacy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia. He cooperates with the political Federal Ministries and leadership offices including the presidency and Prime Minister Office. In addition, he also advises Constitution Review Commission on various issues. Prior to that, Mr. Sayid served as a director and advisor to the Prime Mminster office for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Arab League (AL). He was lecturer to Mogadishu University from 2006- 2011 and Researcher for the Institute of Somali Studies (ISOS) continually.
Mr. Sayid Omar brings a vast experience in peace building efforts and conflict resolution management. He trained the capacity of hundreds of youth groups, local organizations, and networks in Somalia on stability, social cohesion and peace. Mr. Sayid Omar worked as a facilitator in the National Reconciliation Council (NRC) which was active in Mogadishu and its surrounds in nineteenth whereas most of the clan conflicts were recurring up. The NRC was focusing mainly on Reconciliation, mediation and played a significant role in preserving peace, stability, and societal coexistence vividly at that time. Mr. Sayid, he is from a family known for working on the social peace and influencing social cohesion generally.